My Place Has Gone to the Dogs

October 31, 2009

In order to have puppies right in the middle of the living activity, the puppy pen is set up in the living room (which was not all that big to start with).  Of course the rolling cart with all my whelping/puppy supplies is on the fireplace hearth.  The box with the bedding is next to the pen.  The antique gentleman’s chair that used to sit at a tasteful angle is now up against the book case.  The grooming table is permanently set up next to the chair also against the bookcase.  Beyond the table is a row of dog beds.

Tonight, there was a soft thump and I walked in to see Chase up on the grooming table where he had a great view of his puppies.  He takes this “Dad” thing quite seriously.  He was using the gentleman’s chair as the intermediate step.  The camera was handy.

Chase Watching His Babies3 10-31-09

From behind him, I could see what he was watching.

Chase View Fron Grooming Table 10-31-09Hello, Holmes.  Aren’t you a cute boy?

1 Comment

  1. Kathy says:

    Chase certainly is captivated by his sons isn’t he? I guess he knows another pair of fine young men in the making! Obviously he’s telling Homes that he’s destined for great things here.