8 Week Stacked Photos

November 14, 2009

The boyz are eight weeks old today.  As luck would have it, their official photographer Adrienne is here to help memorialize this important milestone.  It’s taking fewer tries to get photos in which they have all four feet on the stacking blocks and are reaching for the tiny piece of deli ham.  So, without further ado:


Holmes show side 8 weeks 11-14-09Still an issue with keeping his back feet straight, but, I like!

Holmes show side2 8 weeks 11-14-09A shot in which his head shows

Holmes off-side 8 weeks 11-14-09Such a cutie!

Holmes front 8 weeks 11-14-09It’s either Holmes or Yoda


Watson show side 8 weeks 11-14-09You know in a week I’ll never have to do this again

Watson off side 8 weeks 11-14-09Actually, it’s less than a week

Watson front 8 weeks 11-14-09I look like Yoda, too


  1. C-Myste says:

    I might have considered stealing Holmes away Thanksgiving weekend, but four dogs in the Element is already going to be a stretch. Oops, make that a squeeze.

  2. Kathy says:

    Oh…too bad. It would have been great for the California Corgi folks to see Holmes and Watson together! But still very exciting that we will be on hand for Watson’s homecoming party!

  3. Tavs says:

    You know, they really DO look a bit like Yoda 🙂