Blogger Xchange

November 24, 2009

I put a little box in the mail this morning.  It’s heading north.  The box is a little misshapen ’cause I had to squish it, but the surprises should be just fine.  So, happy holidays * * * * * * * *

Package to Lani 11-24-09

Well, looky there — PhotoShop blocked out the recipient’s name and address (mostly).


  1. Taryn says:

    That’s a mighty big box for an ornament! Someone must be in for quite a surprise!

  2. Kaye says:

    You go girl. Mine is going out after the holiday, too hectic this week, I’m hoping it will still get there in time tho….

  3. Alden says:

    I know what’s in there, and I’m not telling!