Make-up Awwww for November 13th

November 14, 2009

Last night Adrienne and I went to the Lady Lobo Basketball season opener, and another of her front teeth came out (did you know the tooth fairy now leaves a DOLLAR!).  So I didn’t get any photos posted.  I’m trying to make up for it here.  We’ll have some stacked photos later today.  We really aren’t discriminating against Phoebe — she’d rather be boiled in oil than participate in one of these group events.

This is the last photo op for Adrienne with Watson, so he’s the star of most of these shots (he and the gaping hole in Adrienne’s mouth).

Adrienne Watson Inca close-up 11-14-09Inca beat out Chase for a Dose of Loving

Adrienne Watson Chase Inca 11-14-09So, We Specialize in Bedlam

Adrienne - Watson 11-14-09Cute Granddaughter, Cute Puppy

Adrienne - Holmes 11-14-09Whew!  There’s one with Holmes

1 Comment

  1. Tony says:

    The toothless smile is cute. Boy those puppies have gotten big so quickly