Stacked – November 11th

November 11, 2009

Brock came over this morning and we played puppy match.  The boyz are 7-1/2 weeks old.  Even with the deli-ham pieces, they don’t make it easy.  The big break-through this morning occurred when Holmes’ back foot slipped off the block, he put it back — hurrah!

Here’s Holmes:

Holmes 7-1-2 weeks1 11-11-09

Holmes 7 1-2 weeks2 11-11-09

Holmes Off-side1 7 1-2 weeks 11-11-09

Holmes Front 7 1-2 weeks1 11-11-09

Here’s Watson:

Watson1 7 1-2 weeks 11-11-09

Watson2 7 1-2 weeks 11-11-09

Watson Off-side1 7 1-2 weeks 11-11-09

Watson Front2 7 1-2 weeks 11-11-09

. . . and that’s the way it was on November 11th, 2009.  Good Day!


  1. C-Myste says:

    Awwwww . . .
    That front-on picture of Holmes is now on my desktop. Mari wants him to come visit, since she had “a hand in” his conception 😉

  2. I want Holmes. Man, I hate puppy fever! Come on Penni, you should KEEP him! I’m sure you can make it work out 🙂

  3. Dawn says:

    OK, the eyes closed picture just made my morning! Such lovely puppies, I am jealous, Penni!