Cardi Claus visited my Post Office Box today. Courtesy of Laura Marrocco came a giant box. I couldn’t wait until tonight to untape it and rifle through the paper, so took it straight home, called my answering service to say I was “detained”, and grabbed my scissors. My dogs thought the padding/newspaper was very, very interesting. I thought the inside surprises were too cool! An ornament that already contains a photo of the youngest of the Baddogs — that would be Holmes a/k/a Baddog-in-training, and a jar candle (smells very nice), and the softest throw in great colors. Thank you so much Laura. And special thanks to Ms. Claus who set up this exchange.
a December 1st, 2009
Who Was That Jolly Elf?
December 1, 2009 by myeye
Category Blogging, Cool Stuff, Dog Friends | Tags: | 3 Comments
Bless This Mess
December 1, 2009 by myeye
The blower/dehumidifier machines were on all night. (I’ve now recognized that I am a person that craves silence in her life.) These things are loud! However, since Holmes-puppy’s prison is in my living room, I realized that I am de-sensitizing him for indoor arena-type shows. Up until the saga of the split hose, the only place I could think of to de-sensitize a dog was the car wash. It is loud and the sounds come from indefinable directions. However, for this puppy, I have my own, surround-sound location. He could care less. When I let him out to play with his Dad, he streaks among the cords and machines. It’s all good fun for the baby. Although Phoebe thinks the entire event is distasteful, Chase is not at all bothered — I’m sure that influences his son. So, looking on the bright side, we’re getting some training in amidst the chaos.
The disaster clean-up guys are supposed to come today to take moisture readings. They had estimated two or three days of the blowing machines. I’m hoping for the miracle of one day. The contractor called me yesterday (on my home phone so I didn’t receive the message until last night). I’ll call and schedule him to come prepare an estimate this afternoon or tomorrow. I must figure out what to do with the dogs while the contractor is here — crate two upstairs and take Chase and the puppy to the office? Bedlam at home, bedlam at work . . . I’m sure this is building character.
A quick request: Kip’s new Dad was rushed back to the hospital this past weekend. The heart valve repair is leaking. Please keep Jim and Sarah and Jill in your thoughts. What a tough few months they have had!
Category Chase, Holmes, Home, Inca, Phoebe | Tags: | 3 Comments