You might remember that Chase received a tennis ball dressed like a sheep at the Los Lunas supported show. You might also remember that because he squeaked it all the way home, I rolled it under the couch to maintain my sanity. Today I vacuumed the living room and dining room — so I moved the couch. Chase snatched up his sheep-like tennis ball, then laid next to the puppy prison squeaking the toy. Phoebe has enjoyed playing with Holmes the past few days, so I let the little guy out of jail for some play time with his mom and dad. The puppy grabbed the sheep-ball and the race was on. It cried out for video — so here it is:
a December 7th, 2009
Phoebe Joins In the Fun Dec. 6th (a video)
December 7, 2009 by myeye
Category Baddog, Chase, Chuckles, Dog Equipment, Holmes, Phoebe | Tags: | 5 Comments