a January 18th, 2010

  1. Let the Mold Containment Begin

    January 18, 2010 by myeye

    Servicemaster employees arrived at 8:00.  I tried yesterday to move the refrigerator into the dining room, but we (Brock and I) could not turn off the water to the ice maker.  The shut-off valves at the wall and on the refrigerator are stripped.  So, a special trip by one of their plumbers was the first order of the day.  Phoebe has barked non-stop since they arrived.  The other three dogs launched their happy selves at the workers — so now everyone is crated.  We will be primarily upstairs while they are working — a problem because Holmes is not yet big enough to go down the stairs.  I have to carry his little body (not THAT little anymore).  What great exercise this is going to be.

    I washed every scrap of laundry last night and turned on the dishwasher.  The laundry is piled on the daybed and I’ll fold as I get time.  The issue?  Chase steals my wool socks.  Holmes has decided that is a truly wonderful idea.  So Chase takes them off the bed and gives them to Holmes who runs into another room with them.  Looks like folding laundry might be the first order of business.  I also need to clean off the dining room table.  As I came upon something in the kitchen that I thought I might need during the two kitchenless weeks, I set it on the dining room table — so now that table is pretty well covered.  I certainly have accumulated a lot of stuff that I don’t think I really need to own.  I may pitch all sorts of items rather than putting them back in the cabinets.

    This will be a great opportunity to upgrade VISTA to Windows7.  I received the new program more than a week ago and have been waiting for a few uncommitted hours to fight with it.

    I closed the office for today.  Tomorrow begins the home/office shuffle.  ‘Tis indeed a challenge to my organizational skills.

  2. Sleepy Puppy – January 17th

    January 18, 2010 by myeye

    Holmes says, “Get that flashing thing out of my face.  I’m trying to sleep.”

    I need my sleep 1-17-2010

    . . . and to my mother:  I miss you, mom.  I wish you could sit down and talk with me; I wish you’d met your grandsons and your great granddaughter; I wish you could enjoy the dogs on a beautiful winter afternoon; I wish you’d had the chance to grow old.  My mother died on January 17, 1964 when she was 39 years old and I was 19 — a lot has happened in the last 46 years.