a January 23rd, 2010

  1. The New Show Lead

    January 23, 2010 by myeye

    I received these photos from Amanda this morning.  The “tube” beads I sent her simply were not large enough to slip onto the  kangaroo braid.  Of course, she had some very acceptable alternatives.  I cannot wait to pluck this from my mailbox and clip it onto a show collar 🙂

    New show leadThis lead is laid on a standard sized paper plate — to give an idea of scale.

    Close up turquoise-silver beadingThe turquoise is natural brown matrix turquoise, with silver beading on kangaroo braid — three strands of black with a single strand of whiskey worked in.  Definitely designed for a Southwestern Cardi.

  2. Holmes Stacked – 19 weeks

    January 23, 2010 by myeye

    The official photographer (Adrienne) hasn’t been to visit me for three weekends so this is the first chance we’ve had to take some stacked photos of Holmes (other than the one taken by a classmate at conformation drill a couple of weeks ago).  We were having trouble getting ears this morning — probably because there is a wind machine blowing in the kitchen and the house is turned upside down during the flood repair, and most dogs are crated because a neighbor complained about the barking — sigh!  Those are the microwave and coffee maker in the background, on a table in the living room.

    So, here are three representative photos.  They will at least give you an idea of how the baby is looking these days.  Still a very cute baby I think!

    Stacked 1-23-2010 head up

    Stacked 1-23-2010 ok

    Stacked 1-23-2010 nibble to side

  3. Holmes and the Flashing Red Ball (video)

    January 23, 2010 by myeye

    This is one of Holmes’ favorite toys.  Although from time to time it strays under furniture, he generally keeps very good track of it.  If he can’t reach it — wherever it ended up — he comes to get me and shows me where it is.  Turn off the sound, ignore Chase’s forays through the video, and enjoy the mindless happiness of a puppy!