Ending January On A High Note

January 29, 2010

The saga of the permanent OFA films:  On December 14th Chase’s hips and elbows were x-rayed for permanent OFA review.  By mid-January, I’d heard nothing and so I called OFA.  It appears the vet I used for radiographs (who does a gazillion OFA films) failed to put Chase’s microchip number on his films.  The films did not arrive in Missouri until December 22nd.  Because the ID was missing, OFA returned the films to my vet.  The films were back at OFA on January 8th and then shipped out to the panel radiologists.  Finally, my envelope arrived in today’s mail.

OFA Permanent Good 1-29-10

Since Chase’s preliminary x-rays were GOOD I was hoping there would be no drastic change in condition.  There wasn’t.  Yippee, Chase!


  1. Taryn says:

    YEA for Chase!

  2. Garrett says:

    That is GOOD news! Congrats Penni and Chase!

  3. C-Myste says:

    Happy making 🙂

  4. Yay!!!!!!!


  5. Keith & Jo says:

    That is wonderful news, Penni. The hips are my secret fear for Clem. To be honest I was a little heartbroken when Caleb’s came back so badly. Well, we will know soon enough, Denise is helping to get Clem scheduled for having her pinn hip and OFA done at Washington State Univ.

    • myeye says:

      Hunter has produced a very high percentage of good hips, and ole Alice has a strong background. That said, I share your fear. To me, OFA is comparable to the IRS — I tremble whenever I must deal with either of them.

  6. Alden says:

    Hi Dad,

    My human mom wanted me to pass on these song lyrics by Shakira. She thought they fit you prefectly.

    Miss you!



    “Hips Don’t Lie”

    And I’m on tonight
    You know my hips don’t lie
    And I’m starting to feel it’s right
    All the attraction, the tension
    Don’t you see baby, this is perfection

    • myeye says:

      Chase says thank you for the uplifting tune. He’s always thought his hips (and the rest of him for that matter) were pretty special. Have fun staking tracks in the downpour — it’s still the best event in which participate with our dogs!

  7. Kathy says:

    Awww…Chase comes through – again! Yipee!

  8. Jean says:

    Congratulations on the nice hip rating

  9. Alden says:

    I should have said….Hip, hip, hooray!