Holmes Makes It To The Daily Corgi

January 19, 2010

Laurie over at the Daily Corgi has added Holmes to her expose of corgi puppies — there is a right side up “front photo” and an upside down “pooped puppy” photo.  Holmes is delighted to contribute to the world’s understanding of corgi cuteness.


  1. C-Myste says:

    That was way cute. We’ll be there in a little over 3 weeks. Can’t wait to cuddle you, Holmes.

    • myeye says:

      You have no idea how happy Holmes will be to have you here to cuddle him. I’ll just be happy to see you — no cuddling required!

  2. Taryn says:

    Cute little Holmes!

    Wilson and Jimmy were on the Daily Corgi on Sunday’s snow post….

    • myeye says:

      I saw their cute photos — we have no snow — just rain. Laurie does such a nice job with the Daily Corgi. It’s fun to see if our furry sidekicks are featured.

  3. Laurie says:

    Thanks again Holmes for helping to puppy up that post in grand style!

    Corgi POWER!

    Laurie Eno
    Founder & Editor
    The Daily Corgi