Warm and dry, being the office dog . . . Holmes has recovered from his great adventure . . . and with a new toy to boot!
February 24, 2010
Warm and dry, being the office dog . . . Holmes has recovered from his great adventure . . . and with a new toy to boot!
Category Baddog, Holmes, Work | Tags:
He’s smiling in that first picture… “Ahhhhh, just what I wanted.”
That’s a happy puppy!
OH MY GOODNESS! I’m so glad it all worked out ok. Thank goodness your neighbor was watching out for your pup! The little baddog 🙂
So glad the little baddog is OK! Silly boy.
And he’s so CLEAN! Good boy, Holmes.
Ahhhh…how scary! Holmes, you silly boy – swimming is for summertime, in the company of friends! Glad you’re OK!
Hugs from,
Denali (who loves her wading pool!)
Sage (who won’t go anywhere near water and distrusts the garden hose)
Elbee (who thinks her feet should NOT get wet when it rains)