Holmes At 21 Weeks Young

February 13, 2010

Holmes’ official photographer hasn’t been here for a while, but Adrienne and I are going to Holmes’ puppy class and then to a basketball game, so we stole a few minutes to snap a couple of Holmes photos.  I still love this baby.  What do you think?

Holmes - face 2-13-2010

Holmes3 2-13-2010

Front1 2-13-2010


  1. C-Myste says:

    I still can’t believe how low-stationed he is. I can’t wait for dog shows.

  2. Dawn says:

    I think he is looking lovely. I really cant find anything not to like.

  3. Kim says:

    He is beautimous Penni. He’ll be done in 3 shows…

    • myeye says:

      Kind words, Kim. Thank you. You are assuming there are 5-point majors around. They are becoming very rare in AKC Division 7 — especially anywhere close to Albuquerque. We have a 4-day cluster May 15 through 18. Holmes will be almost 8 months old so those will be his first shows. Hopefully the shows will be majors.

  4. Dawn Small says:

    He’s looking terrific, Penni!

  5. Amy says:

    Very handsome boy! When is your first show??:-))

  6. Alden says:

    Whoa, bro! You look GREAT! Very handsome, but it runs in the family.

    Fig and I are having all sorts of adventures. We LOVE Oregon! We’ve been in the Rogue,Hood, and Columbia Rivers. We went snow tubing on Mt. Hood. We even got to pee by the Timberline Lodge. We went over the “Bridge of the Gods.” We saw some awesome waterfalls, and walked over a really neat bridge to get “up close and personal” with the waterfall. We got lost on some road and ended up in Dufur, and then found Billy Bob’s Snow Park. I ate snowballs. We’ve driven through Drain, Curtain, and Boring Oregon. We followed the Columbia River for 100 miles on the Washinton side. We saw salmon ladders, and the dam at The Dalles. And….we’re not done yet!

    Love to you, mom, dad, and G-Ma,


  7. Heidi says:

    He’s lovely. 🙂

  8. mandy says:

    You can send him to me for the 4 days in Lewiston, Idaho in April .

    Well, as he’s the Feeb’s last puppy, I’m super glad he’s a keeper!

  9. Holly says:

    Very handsome Penni! I see him finishing quickly.

  10. What a cutie. Love his spotted dotted tootsies………….
