Happy Half Birthday

March 20, 2010

Holmes turned six months old yesterday.  So, in honor of that event, here are some photos that Adrienne took this morning.

Holmes Ears6 3-20-2010The Judge’s Side

Holmes Offside2 3-20-2010The Off-Side

Holmes Front 3-20-2010The front — note fat freckled feet

Holmes Rear 3-20-2010. . . and bringing up the rear

Happy half-birthday, baby puppy!


  1. Kathy says:

    I LOVE the 3-F feet!

    He’s a handsome boy, just like his Baddog Dad. I think he’s got great things in his future!

    Happy 6-month-birthday Homes!

  2. Look at those little curls!

  3. He looks REALLY good! Ya’ll did a great job 🙂