Mabel, Mabel Strong & Able

March 16, 2010

. . . get your elbows off the table.  Yesterday I received Chase’s Elbow Certificate from OFA.  So, all his permanent tests are completed and reported.  Annually we’ll re-do his CERF and every couple of years we’ll re-check Thyroid and Heart.  All the health test results made me jump for joy:  OFA Hips – GOOD, Patella, CERF, Thyroid, Heart, and Elbows – NORMAL, PRA and DM – CLEAR, EE color (no ee dilute).  He carries the fluff gene — I guess if there has to be a flaw, this would be my choice.  Thank you Carolyn, Mandy and Jennifer for breeding this ever-so-healthy boy — just for me!

OFA - Elbows - Permanent


  1. Taryn says:

    What a wonderful healthy boy!

  2. Garrett says:

    WOHOO! Congrats on such a ‘clean’ and healthy boy! I do believe the more that we test, the more others will too 🙂

    Good Job!

  3. Kathy says:

    Nice! What an incredible fellow he is!

    Yes, if there has to be a “flaw,” the fluffy is certainly the easiest to work with. I can’t tell you how many people have approached me at shows asking about Denali’s glamour coat. These are mostly performance people, and they all think she is just beautiful! (Of course, they’re right! :-)) I am one of many who would take a fluff coat any time!