Leidy is flying in Friday night. Jenn says she looks glorious, so off to Onofrio went her entries for the May cluster. I’m glad she’ll be here starting on a weekend so I can figure out which dogs like which dogs — or don’t. Hopefully Inca will tolerate her daughter, and Chase will not find it necessary to kill his son. I suspect it will be a bit of a zoo for a while.
Saturday I’m picking up extra meat and organs and bone stuff so I can make up TV dinners for Chase’s trip. I’ll put a meal and supplements in each little bag, label it for a day of the week, and put all the Mondays in one larger bag, and all the Tuesdays in another — you get it. Then there will be one large bag of breakfast packages only. Brock and Angela have room in their freezer so will store the box of Chase’s TV dinners until May 18th when Wendy will take Chase and his meals off to Colorado. Since she doesn’t normally feed raw, this will save her some anguish and make sure Chase’s diet isn’t altered while he’s with her. It’s kind of like packing up school lunches for the boys . . . takes me back.
I’ve been checking blogs every hour to glean news from the Nationals. I wish I were there.