A Peek At The Puppies – April 16th

April 16, 2010

Having made it through Tax Day (and the Teaparty protests), here are photos from Eric:

2Dot-Lucky-Tbone-Buck-Alice 4-16-2010Counter Clockwise: Two-Dot, Lucky, T-bone, Buck, Alice

April-SweetHrt-Alice-Lucky 4-16-2010Top to Bottom:  April, Sweetheart, Alice, Lucky

Keep those photos coming, Eric.

1 Comment

  1. C-Myste says:

    Don’t you want to ask people what % of their net or gross income they paid in taxes this year compared to last? I know how it was for most of our employees: surprise at the size of their refunds.

    But I suppose for some people that any taxes are too much. Some us gripe about our taxes being used for a war, others gripe when they feel their taxes are going to be used for health care for others (or so I hear).

    Enjoying puppy pictures helps. I’ll go back to rubbing Hannah’s belly now.