Magic — Oh, Groan!

April 1, 2010

Did you know that Eric and Paula have a bunch of brindles?  I’d say Magic stands out in this photo.  Two weeks until the Machas make their entrance (or exit).

Pregnant Magic1 4-1-2010

Magic - upright 4-1-2010


  1. Tony says:

    I love brindle colour. Too bad they don’t breed brindle poodles. Now that would be a strange sight

  2. Red Dog Mom says:

    You know, I always laugh when people ask how I can tell my red dogs apart. Then I look at a picture of a bunch of brindle dogs and wonder how in the world these folks can tell them apart 🙂

  3. Dawn says:

    What a pretty group of dogs they have. I wonder how often they yell at one with the wrongs dogs name. I know if often mix up the names of the dog I am working with- Rinnie, oops I mean Peace. Its a good thing they all respond to CORGI!!

  4. Kathy says:

    They are lovely. Only thing prettier than a beautiful brindle is a pack of ’em!
    Poor Magic. She has that, “I’m not so happy being a Zeppelin.” look about her. Thinking good thoughts for an easy delivery for her!