The Rio Grande/Coronado Kennel Club Count

April 30, 2010

Our four day cluster (May 15 through 18) is a REALLY BIG SHEW!

Saturday: 9-14-3-0 (3 pts. dogs/4 pts. bitches)
Sunday: 9-15-3-0 + 1 vet (3 pts. dogs/5 pts. bitches)
Monday: 10-14-3-0 (4 pts. dogs/4 pts. bitches)
Tuesday: 9-13-2-0 (3 pts. dogs/4 pts. bitches)

In the “why?” department: Why are Patrick Ormos and Jim Reynolds judging on the same day, one at Flagstaff and one at Colorado Springs?

1 Comment

  1. Traci says:

    I look forward to seeing you and Holmes and Chase at the show! I’ll be lugging the whole crew with me to ABQ, so you’ll get to see the Phoebe clone again, and Chase’s niece and the two boy dogs too! 🙂 Sedona is entered in hopes of getting a chunk of the major spread we have… and hopefully Kota will finish his RE title there too! 🙂 See ya soon!