Seven of the eight — keeping warm
“Magic” (Wellshire Lady Luck) delivered 8 big fat babies this morning via C-Section. There are five boys and three girls. One boy is sable, six puppies are red brindle, and one is a very dark brindle. Mom and babies are doing well. Paula and Eric are delighted with the brood. Carolyn will be posting photos on her blog puppy page. I’ll put up photos as soon as I receive them.
I’m happy to know that Chase carries red/sable and expect that we will have more red/sable puppies when Leidy is bred to him (later this summer — unfortunately, we couldn’t coordinate it for right now). Leidy is Inca’s daughter who is OFA Excellent. The litter will be whelped here. (Yay! More babies in the house!)
Congrats on the grandbabies! I hope that you will be continuing the updates on the babies. Also good luck with the next litter, I’m sure you’ll be happy to have babies in the house again:-)
Leidy! Oh fun!
Congrats on the litter to papa Chase and Paula and Eric. Hope they grow up healthy and beautiful!
Congratulations to Chase and Magic! I can’t wait for pictures.
YAY PUPPIES! I can’t wait to see pictures of the brood. I’m so glad they are all healthy and doing good.
YEA! More Chase-lets to watch grow up…..Congrats to all!
What beautiful healthy looking puppies! Congrats to all involved:-)
Happy puppy time. They are great. Hope everybody stays well and grows up in happy Cardiville!
Congratulations! They are beautiful!
Where’s the puppy cam, where’s the puppy cam? :o)
Corgi sausages! So cute!
Congratulations! Is Chase handing out the rawhides today?