a May 19th, 2010

  1. More Puppy Faces

    May 19, 2010 by myeye

    These just in from Eric.  Too cute!

    What cha want 5-19-2010

    Buck Wants To Know 5-19-2010

    The mealtime shuffle 5-19-2010

  2. Five Weeks Old and Ready To Snuggle

    May 19, 2010 by myeye

    I can hardly stand it.  Look at these baybeez needing me to hug them and blow on their tummies, and get them to stack with little pieces of deli meat.  I need to be tripped as I walk down the hall, and have my toes chewed upon.  I love puppies — and these are pretty adorable.  I know I’m their paternal G-Ma, but trying to be objective here!

    Smile for the Camera 5-19-2010

    More Cute Faces 5-19-2010

    Outside Looking for Trouble 5-19-2010

    Puppy pile 5-19-2010