The plan, as of this afternoon, is that Paula/Eric and Mandy/Carolyn/and I will be at a Motel (yet to be identified) in/near Yakima on Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning. We don’t want to take the baybeez to the show grounds, but will identify a nearby park and a time at which to meet to evaluate the litter. I hope lots of people will come, help stack them, and take photos, and decide what we like and don’t like about each. I hope we can identify some that can definitely go to pet homes.
I’m looking forward to meeting some of you that I only know through blogs.
Wish we coulda been there…too many guilt trips here starring us in the face to be able to head over the moutains. Have a splendid time…hope the weather is better, it’s been almost non-stop rain for the last 3 days. Safe flight home!