I don’t let the dogs out in the front courtyard because the few remaining flowering plants would go the way of their ancestors. Today, however, I spotted an iris in full bloom, grabbed the camera, opened the front door and everyone escaped.
Holmes says, “So, what does it do?”
Leidy asks if it might be dinner time
Inca says, “It is dinner time. Come in.”
But did someone eat that gorgeous iris?
Absolutely not — I snapped the photos and returned the dogs to captivity. Their absence from the front yard is the only reason there were lilacs and iris — and will be more flowering things as the summer progresses. Growing my own backdrops for photos requires banishing the baddogs to other places.
I love Iris, and that one is (was?) exceptionally pretty.
I see Inca in Leidy’s head shape more than I see her dad.
I love Iris, too, and agree with Carolyn about this particular one.
Nice flower, and nice capture! 🙂
I took some iris pics yesterday (plain old garden variety purple), which will show up in several days. I love their grapey smell as well as loving the way they look…..
I was expecting a photo of Holmes cheewing up that beautiful flower
Oops… Only one E in chewing