Dogs in the Front Yard 5-4-2010

May 4, 2010

I don’t let the dogs out in the front courtyard because the few remaining flowering plants would go the way of their ancestors.  Today, however, I spotted an iris in full bloom, grabbed the camera, opened the front door and everyone escaped.

Bronze iris close-up 5-3-2010The bloom that started it all

Holmes Smelling the Iris - blog - 5-3-2010Holmes says, “So, what does it do?”

Chase watching his son 5-3-2010Chase keeps track of the boy

Leidy 5-3-2010Leidy asks if it might be dinner time

Come on in - Inca - 5-3-2010Inca says, “It is dinner time.  Come in.”


  1. Jean from NM says:

    But did someone eat that gorgeous iris?

    • myeye says:

      Absolutely not — I snapped the photos and returned the dogs to captivity. Their absence from the front yard is the only reason there were lilacs and iris — and will be more flowering things as the summer progresses. Growing my own backdrops for photos requires banishing the baddogs to other places.

  2. C-Myste says:

    I love Iris, and that one is (was?) exceptionally pretty.

    I see Inca in Leidy’s head shape more than I see her dad.

  3. I love Iris, too, and agree with Carolyn about this particular one.

    Nice flower, and nice capture! 🙂

    I took some iris pics yesterday (plain old garden variety purple), which will show up in several days. I love their grapey smell as well as loving the way they look…..

  4. Tony says:

    I was expecting a photo of Holmes cheewing up that beautiful flower

  5. Tony says:

    Oops… Only one E in chewing