Mmmmm! Strawberry?

May 30, 2010

Chase?  I don’t know exactly how to describe him.  Maybe a very precocious four-year old boy?  My trusty handler reported that he launched himself at the Group Judge and thoroughly licked her chest and neck.  She kindly said, “This late in the day, I can use a pooch smooch.”   So, I told Wendy to treat Chase as if he was one of her Akitas.  He really takes correction well, but without it, will try to get away with whatever he can.  He’s always pushing the envelope with people.  He may have very short legs and a darling expression and an effervescent personality, but he is learning bad things when we don’t make him tow the mark.

He again was pulled in the Group, but not placed.  He has developed a fan base that meets him outside the ring to pet him and to shake hands/paws and watch all his other cute tricks, it applauds as soon as it’s Chase’s turn on the table, and cheers and claps on his down, back and go-around.  That just puffs up his already inflated ego and sends him to Happyland.  We do not want him in Happyland because he has no brain when he is there.

I love this funny boy to pieces, but he cannot be allowed to climb on the bathroom counter and get into the medicine cabinet (figuratively speaking).  So, I sent poor Wendy off ready to be stern with the boy.  Tomorrow will be a better day in Wyoming which will definitely be a better day for the person who pays the bills.


  1. sandy says:

    Hope so…don’t want to shut down that bubbly boy…fingers crossed.

  2. myeye says:

    Since I train him in obedience (one leg to go for his CD), I KNOW he takes correction well. He has just sweet-talked his way into Wendy’s bed and into her heart. She’s used to Akitas and (mistakenly) thinks Chase is a little dog — NOT! He’s a big dog with short legs and a conniving brain. He’s taking her for a ride and loving every second of it.