a June 12th, 2010
Chase and Wendy Oelrich in the Group
June 12, 2010 by myeye
Category Chase, Conformation, Dog Shows | Tags: | 3 Comments
Colorado Springs – Day 1 – Photos Added
June 12, 2010 by myeye
It is cold and rainy — so very glad this is an indoor show. Despite the entire Cardigan judging panel being re-written, we had a splendid day. First (and most important in my book), even though I haven’t seen Chase in a month, he went into the Novice B ring with me, earned a 3rd place, and completed his CD. All I can say about him is that I couldn’t ask for a more willing companion. He also was Best of Breed, our Holmes-puppy earned his 1st point by going Best of Winners, Little Leidy-Lou was Winners Bitch and Best of Opposite Sex for another point. Chase didn’t do anything in the Group which didn’t start until 6:00 tonight. Dogs are fed and flopped around the hotel room, but I’m starved so will go grab a bite. We had Holmes photographed for his “first point”. When I receive it, you’d better believe you will see it here first!
Evangers sponsors these shows and as prizes we received a dozen cans of their “duck with sweet potatoes”, “beef and rice”, “smoked chicken”. They also gave me two bags of their jerky treat. Good job, dogs! This may be the way I feed at shows — so much easier than hauling a cooler and trying to thaw just enough food for each meal.
Inca is staying at Adrienne’s home and today I received a “text” message of her sprawled on Adrienne’s bed. I’m afraid she won’t want to come home.
Over and out!
I left the dogs in the room to drive through McDonald’s for a salad. Holmes was in one of the fabric crates — right here:
When I got back (15 minutes perhaps) the crate was here — see those sparkling corgi eyes through the mesh.
Category Chase, Conformation, Dog Shows, Family, Holmes, Leidy, Obedience | Tags: | 6 Comments