a June 18th, 2010

  1. Baby April

    June 18, 2010 by myeye

    Little April (Chase/Magic puppy) went to live in Phoenix.  Here is the first batch of photographic proof that she is a happy baby.

    Leash training

    She knows what to do with a ball

    Happy with her new mom

    Gwendy and April 6-18-2010

    . . . and her adoring dad

    April and new dad 6-18-2010

  2. Watson and Boy

    June 18, 2010 by myeye

    To appease all of those clamoring for a photo of Watson, here he is with his boy Ian.  This dog has the greatest expression — and super Cardi ears.  Thank you for the photo, Alden.

    ian and watson 6-17-2010