Well, Slap My Hand!

June 22, 2010

Did you know that if you go to the American Kennel Club web site to check “Titles and Points” more than 10 times in one day, you will be blocked out?  The site was not responding so I hit “Titles and Points” several times and received notice that I was an offender.  I am hanging my head in shame — what difference could it possibly make?

Oh, yeah — and I’m the test secretary for our Variable Surface Test in October, but AKC has my last name as “Anderson”.  Perhaps using my real last name would have dissuaded entrants?   (I don’t think they confused me with Pamela Anderson.)  We probably won’t hold two tests every year, but there is such a backlog of entrants that we decided to hold a second one this year.  Because of the AKC calendar, this one conflicts with the Valencia Valley shows which have been very good to our Chase.  I’ll have to work around the show and (I hope) a litter of Chase/Leidy puppies.


  1. Kristine says:

    Uhhhh-that’s just odd about the AKC website. Are they afraid some hacker is going to try and get in and alter the number of titles and/or points a dog has?

    Nice of your club to offer another VST test–I know they are usually really difficult to get into.

  2. You recidivist you!