a July 26th, 2010

  1. In the Doghouse — Time for a Change

    July 26, 2010 by myeye

    My dogs are barking when I leave them at home and it’s annoying the neighbor.  Although I don’t let them out before 6:30 in the morning, when I am fixing their breakfast at around 6:00, they bark — with the summertime windows open, my neighbors can hear them.  Holmes is at the vet’s being debarked as I type.  Leidy (who can have a very annoying bark) is at the office with me.  Chase and Inca (who has been debarked) are at home.  I love my neighbors and am distraught that we are annoying them.  I really can’t deal with the issues any longer.  Since I intend to grow old with my dogs, it’s time for me to move.

    I contacted a client who deals in real estate in outlying areas.  So, hopefully, I can work a trade of my townhouse for a house on an acre in one of the surrounding, dog friendly counties.  I’m hoping for Valencia county which is south of Albuquerque — no canyons to drive through to get to the office.  It will be a half hour to and from work, but otherwise everyone will be more comfortable.  The dogs will have room to really run — and — maybe I can get me a tractor [say this with a cracker barrel accent]!  I also want a BIG garage or barn.  I have only a one car garage at the townhouse which is not enough for all my junk.  I can create an agility field so we can all play, and I can set up a couple of dog runs to separate the critters when they need separating.

    More later.