Start Counting

August 21, 2010

Leidy and Chase were bred last night and tonight.  Though this is only day 8 from when she first showed color, Chase found her slightly boring this evening.  Based upon the 12.5 Progesterone reading on Wednesday morning, she probably ovulated on Monday night or Tuesday morning — so yesterday and today all the puppy eggs should have ripened.  Time to start counting.  Puppies are expected on Tuesday, October 19th.  I just want a cute little Chase/Leidy daughter to show in Bred-By.  Possible colors:  reds and brindles for sure — and maybe some tris.  Okay, little Leidy-Lou — now it’s all up to you.

Leidy’s mom, the indefatigable Inca, is healing well.  She’s trotting a bit, not struggling when she goes up and down the door step.  Nothing impairs her appetite.  Holmes is in Colorado with Wendy, playing happily with her Akitas.  They’ll be in Topeka Wednesday evening for the four day/5-show cluster.  Chase will visit Dr. Larry on Thursday to get his hall-pass so he can hop his Delta Flight to Atlanta on Saturday morning.

Tomorrow morning the two teenage boys are supposed to be here to help take everything out of the garage so I can decide what stays and what becomes yard sale fodder.  I think a lot of  “stuff” can go away!


  1. C-Myste says:

    Send those two teenage boys to me. Tom has lots of stuff in the garage that needs to go to a yard sale, too .

  2. Tony says:

    They can come to my place to. I have a veggie garden that needs digging over

  3. Shelley says:

    Its going to be puppies galore soon!! Libby threw up breakfast (morning sickness??) Jade has progesterone on the rise…we’ll all be comparing sleepless nights soon!

  4. Jenn says:

    Ok, so I’ll need the teenagers here, too. Hoping to have my move to town (Penni, I think I’m going in the wrong direction) done by 9/15. I am very sorry to hear Leidy was nasty to Inca, though I can’t see either backing down once the first bad word was said. There’s never been any doubt that Leidy is Inca’s daughter. The only reason she’s not number 1 here is that Emmie is just as nasty on occasion and isn’t dead yet. Please hug Inca and tell her I’m sorry her child is such a hag. Fingers crossed that the hag-let is preggers. She had nursing practice with the kittens, so should be ready for puppies.