It’s going to be a while before I move, but since I won’t have a garage initially, and given that the garage at the townhouse is full of “stuff”, I’ve taken an interim step. There is a secured storage facility on the road to the house. I have rented a 10′ x 15′ space and will take “garage stuff” down each time I make a trip. Tomorrow and Monday teenaged boys will be here to take everything out of the garage and I will sort into keep, throw away, and yard sale piles. I still have a storage unit in Albuquerque to which the yard sale stuff will go. The keep stuff will make its way to Los Lunas storage, and the throw-away will go to the dump.
My glimmering dream is that we will find all my tools and get them together in the tool chest. Somehow tools walk away and hide in the chaos. Second glimmering hope is that I will find all my dog stuff and also find a way to keep it together. You may ask how much dog stuff one can have — well, not counting the crates which breed in the garage when I’m not looking — there are training bags, aluminet shade cloths, an easy-up and an umbrella shelter, grooming equipment, all the breeding and whelping supplies (I’ll keep those handy because I really hope to need them in mid-October). I have leashes, collars — I could open my own pet supply store.
I think if I can clear out of the garage all the “stuff” I can live without for a month, I will feel so much more in control. I also brought home a bunch of empty boxes and am going to begin packing up books, the good china — things that are only used on occasion. I don’t think I’ll take them to storage — just stack them in a corner and move them with the furniture. However, I might move some of the kitchen stuff that has been in storage into the house and put it in the cabinets and drawers. The new house has at least double the cupboard space I have here. That all depends on what kind of messy stuff I have done at the new house before the move.
It’s a plan — and I will feel far more in control.