a September 14th, 2010

  1. Tuesday Herding Report

    September 14, 2010 by myeye

    From Susan:

    Chase got to go herding tonight. I brought the five older ewes down to the round pen. He got to herd them in figure eights and around a bit. Then I let the ewes out into the larger field. Chase had a good time moving them up and down the short end of the field and doing some circles. He held his stay when I let the ewes back to the largest field.

    He has hit the point I expected to get to. He is a bit confused as to what is allowed and what isn’t. Because of that, he is doing some mild avoidance. The really good news is we hit it four weeks away from the trial. That will give us plenty of time to work through it. The other really good news is that the avoidance is mild and he reconnects to the sheep quickly.

    The cause of the mild avoidance is him realizing he can’t have it all his way. He is figuring out that I want him to do some things my way. I have seen some dogs quit altogether at this point (hmmm, I haven’t seen a Cardigan do that). If they can’t do what they want, they won’t play at all. There is NO worry that Chase will fall into this group. He is too interested in herding and very willing to be a partner. It could be over as soon as our next workout or it could take a couple of sessions. My job is to keep it interesting and upbeat. When he commits to being a partner, it will be great fun. He will learn in leaps and bounds.

    Kearney did the same thing. Now he starts yawning if he is getting stressed. I pay attention to that, and give him more fetching, which he loves.

    Chase is doing a good job and I am very pleased with him.

  2. Going, Going, Gone

    September 14, 2010 by myeye

    WOW!  Today the townhouse sold — just like that.  The woman from my office got approval from her bank, had me bring her back to the house right after lunch, she grinned her way through the house, did a dance around the master bedroom, and we are signing a purchase agreement.  I took photos for her to forward to her sister in Houston.  . . . and it’s sold — WOW!  Now I’ll be able to build the garage/dog room/runs this fall at the Los Lunas house.  Whoopee!  I guess this was supposed to work out.

  3. Sparrow/Rosie/Nikki At 5 Months Old

    September 14, 2010 by myeye

    The Chase/Magic puppy known as Sparrow, then Rosie, and now Nikki belongs to Carolyn Tompkins.  The babies turned five months old on Sunday.  Here is the cute girl herself with 5-month birthday photos.  Thank you Carolyn — I love getting baby photos of my grandpups.

    Dallas Gabbi Lets GangUp on NikkiThis gives new meaning to birthday bash — that would be Nikki on the bottom

    Nikki - one foot upHey, pretty girl.  What do you see?

    Nikki and DallasWith visiting Dallas

    Nikki prone - cute faceLuxuriating on the grass

  4. Yard Art Chase

    September 14, 2010 by myeye

    DeAnn Nelson wanted to offer a trophy at the Richland shows.  Unfortunately, the artist was far behind on getting this piece done so it wasn’t offered in the Premium List.  However, DeAnn is taking him to the shows because he loves them so much.  He will be at the Richland shows in the agility/obedience area.  Please stop by and give him a scritch.

    Benton City, Wa Agility TrialAt the Benton City WA Agility Trial — don’t think he Q’ed

    Chase in Tyme BLOGJust in Thyme

    Yard Art - DeAnn Nelson BLOGHanging out in the yard

    Thank you DeAnn — he looks so happy!

  5. Ooooh! Ooooh! More Progress

    September 14, 2010 by myeye

    My friend Enrique owns the company that is installing the wood laminate flooring at the Los Lunas house.  He went out to check on his installer and sent me these photos.  There are “before” photos on the computer at home.  I’ll add some of those this evening.

    new floor1

    new floor2

    Now I am really getting excited.  Moving day is September 25th.