I forgot the camera — I had so much stuff to take to the Los Lunas house that I forgot the camera. Please don’t hurt me!
I took Holmes and Leidy with me. They ran themselves silly and are both sacked out downstairs on the cool ceramic tile. I left Inca home to guard the house. I was supposed to paint, but got busy putting out mouse traps and pulling nails from the walls (whatever could they have hung?). I took down a couple of disgusting vents that both needed to be replaced. I threw a rickety wooden ladder in the back of my son’s pick-up (borrowed for today), an old shoe shelf, some very tacky outdoor holiday decorations, and lots of stuff from the back that was turned up by the tractor. On the way back into town, I stopped at the office dumpster. Before I got that far, I stopped at my Los Lunas storage unit and stashed the left over chain link — not very much as I had a superior estimator.
One of my four brothers lives north of Albuquerque (about 1/2 hour from the townhouse). He doesn’t read my blog so I can tell you what he did. He worries that there might be something unsafe in the house I bought so said he would drive down (1-1/2 hour each way) to check out the furnace, swamp cooler, dryer venting, etc. He can fix anything — it would be nice if her were taller so he could also reach everything. I emailed him very precise directions to the house and called him when the dogs and I were heading down there.
He never showed up. So, around 12:30, I called him. He was just driving back into his neighborhood after have gone all the way to my Los Lunas house and, when he did not see my car (did see the brown pick-up lathered with Saints’ logos), decided I was not there. He did not knock on the door. He turned around and drove the 1-1/2 hour home. It has to do with male DNA — I was incredulous — still am. He says he’ll come back down to check everything out. I wish he were taller to make up for being a lame-brained guy.
Holmes and Leidy have given the new place a stamp of approval. It is going to be dog heaven, but I’ll have to take a day off toward the end of the week to do the painting I did not do today. Now I’m going to pack up some stuff.
Sure glad that he doesn’t read the blog.
Thanks for the laugh!
LOL, Male DNA? Meaning I have could have done things like that. Well, I will never tell.
Male “Do Not Ask”.
As in directions, LOL.
Hysterical. Glad he doesn’t read this–but maybe he should! What a hoot!