Leidy, Are You Fragrant? and Miscellaneous Thoughts

September 14, 2010

When we were kids, we began using “fragrant” as code for “pregnant” after a neighbor lady complained to our mom that we were far too casual about the delicate and ultra-personal state of pregnancy.  My Mom was always fragrant (or so it seemed since I am the oldest of seven siblings a total of thirteen years apart).  I digress — but what’s new?  I think Leidy is fragrant.  I can see that her loin is filling in.  Last night I measured her and her girth is 22″.  On September 8th, she was 21″.  She and Inca spent a few supervised minutes together yesterday and Inca was fascinated by Leidy’s smell — that’s real fragrance.  I will try to get a Leidy photo or two — she has a “thing” about the camera so when I get it out she puts on her “that lady beats me” look and I could not possibly publish the photos.

Leidy over Holmes 9-14-2010The “body in the way” is Holmes who thinks he belongs in every photo

On the home front, a woman with whom I work came to look at my townhouse yesterday, returned to the office and began arranging financing.  I love this house and would be so happy to have a friend buy and live in it.  It is light and bright.  She lives in a 700 square foot duplex, so thinks this house is huge (at 1250 square feet) — sort of how I feel about the Los Lunas house at its 1976 square feet.  The sale to my friend would be the closing of a most amazing series of “it’s meant to be” events.  I’m scheduled to move on September 25th.  I’ve been packing a few boxes every night so there is no crisis the night before moving day.  I’m going to take this Friday off to go paint some more.  Sunday I’ll have my teenaged boy football players help me move all the outdoor furniture down to the new place.

My daughter-in-law (wife of my younger son and Adrienne’s mother) has been ill for a long time.  She has terrible migraines, joints that suddenly are too painful to use, unexplained stress fractures of her foot — all types of symptoms.  The doctors here have ruled out MS and Lupus.  The health plan finally decided she could go to the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale.  Brock and Angela leave Sunday, and I’d ask good thoughts and prayers that the docs there discover what is wrong.  If they know, even if it’s not treatable, they will learn what steps to take to lessen the pain.  She’s only in her early 30’s.


  1. c-myste says:

    Just catching up on news. Best thoughts go out to Angela.

    Holmes looks like aunt Molly in that picture.

  2. Traci says:

    you all will be in my thoughts and prayers….

  3. How awful — to feel bad all the time! 🙁

    Surely hoping for the very best possible outcome!