Moving Day

September 25, 2010

The trucks and the movers should be here shortly because today the dogs and I move to the house in Los Lunas. — YAY!  However, I will be without computer access until some time on Monday when Comcast appears at the new house.  If I must come back into town — perhaps Sunday evening — I will try to stop at the office and check email and the blogs.

I hope you all have a far more relaxing weekend than I’m planning to have.


  1. Taryn says:

    Your day may not be relaxing, but what an exciting lifestyle change you are embarking on! Wishing you an easy and successful move! Keep a close eye on your pups, moving can be tough for them.

  2. Mary says:

    Go, Penni, Go!

    See ya on the flip side!

  3. Megan says:

    Good luck and congrats on the new house. Hope your move goes smoothly! 🙂

  4. Jean from NM says:

    Hope all goes well! If I were not in CO, I’d happily lend a hand or bring you dinner . . .

  5. Cheryl Kienast says:

    Geeze, I hate moving! My heart feels for you! You will LOVE being out in the country, however! I don’t know what kind of wild life you will get to see but we have deer and wild turkey most all the time. Of course there are also raccoon, skunk and possum, but we try to ignore those! Then there are hummingbirds and all kinds of critters. Such fun you will have!

  6. Kathy M. says:

    Whoo hoo…very exciting! Hope all goes smoothly with the move. You’re going to love the new place!

  7. Susan says:

    Congratulations on your big move! I hope you are able to find things quickly. Moving can be such a hassle, but I have always looked forward to the interesting, new lifestyle. Best of luck!

  8. Tony says:

    Have fun with the move & I hope it all goes smoothly.

  9. Penni! Congratulations on your recent move and on Leidy’s puppies! Good luck and many happy days in your new place.