Sparrow/Rosie/Nikki At 5 Months Old

September 14, 2010

The Chase/Magic puppy known as Sparrow, then Rosie, and now Nikki belongs to Carolyn Tompkins.  The babies turned five months old on Sunday.  Here is the cute girl herself with 5-month birthday photos.  Thank you Carolyn — I love getting baby photos of my grandpups.

Dallas Gabbi Lets GangUp on NikkiThis gives new meaning to birthday bash — that would be Nikki on the bottom

Nikki - one foot upHey, pretty girl.  What do you see?

Nikki and DallasWith visiting Dallas

Nikki prone - cute faceLuxuriating on the grass

1 Comment

  1. jean -Minn. says:

    Wow she looks so much like Chase. Nice girl