The Daily Corgi Needs Cardi Photos

September 3, 2010

Next week the Daily Corgi will have a Cardigan Carnival — all week.  Send your favorite Cardi photos to Laurie (the inventor and editor of this great blog) at  The blog has been overrun with Pems and it’s time to make a change!  Even if your dogs have already been featured as the “Corgi of the Day”, Laurie hopes to see their smiling faces again.


  1. Unforchoonately I ownly hav Poodle pikchas to send them. Maybe I kood be a assosyate member. I will emayl my pikcha ennyway & see if thay reeply to mee

  2. OK Missus Penny I hav sent my pikcha to Laurie wiv an indepf eksplanayshun ov how I kan be the Corgi ov the week

  3. Hay ges wot??? I am so eksyted I got an emayl bak from Missus Laurie & she sed she will konsider mayking me a honorary Corgi ov the day. I dident hav a pikcha of me in a cardigan so I sent a pikcha of me in a jaket insted.