a October 2nd, 2010

  1. 25″ With 18 Days To Go

    October 2, 2010 by myeye

    Our Leidy is a bit roly poly.  Her girth has increased to 25″.  She was at 24″ on September 28th (five days ago), and she started at three weeks at 21-1/2″.  She’s spending more time sprawled full length under an air conditioner vent.  She would also prefer that Holmes and Inca leave her alone.

    Leidy frog position - puppies 10-2-2010

    Leidy puppies - side shot 10-2-2010

    . . . easy whelp. healthy puppies and mom — and please, might we have some girls?

  2. Darby’s New Tricks

    October 2, 2010 by myeye

    Gwendy sent this short video of Darby (one of the Chase/Magic kids).  Be sure to turn your sound on because the commands are what make this so funny.  Flash!  Mama Magic was winners bitch for a 5-point major today — whoo hoo!

    Gwendy also sent the following note:

    I’ve been thinking about you and wanting to get photos off to you!

    Sorry no photos but Darby is doing super!! She is a riot! She has loads of personality. In the morning she goes flying out her door and pounces into her water dish feet and all!!! It’s an auto water dish so she pounces around and plays in it like crazy!! At that point she is a total mess and has to dry off before she can run around the house. She loves her toys and has me well trained to pick them up and put them in her pile for her :)! As soon as she gets out for play time she distributes those toys all over the house!!! She has so much fun doing it that I don’t have the heart to limit her toy selection!! Squeaky toys are by far the most favored objects!!! And they do make me smile too!

    She does love to torment our “lesser bred Corgi!” She flies past Ellie’s crate just to tick her off and say “hey… look…. I’m free!!!!”

    . . . and here came a photo of Darby doing her homework

    Darby doing homework 10-2-2010