My back patio just has this view of the setting sun. Irresistible!
Definitely the place to be on an early fall evening.
October 5, 2010 by myeye
My back patio just has this view of the setting sun. Irresistible!
Definitely the place to be on an early fall evening.
Category New Mexico Beauty | Tags: | 4 Comments
October 5, 2010 by myeye
We last measured three days ago and Leidy was at 25″. This morning our Leidy is 26″ around. Puppies are due in 15 days. I’ll move her to her whelping room this weekend — so she can get used to it and to give her some respite from the antics of the silly boy dog. I’ll get the boxes out of there and take a photo so you can see her temporary digs.
. . .easy whelp . . . healthy puppies and mom — and please, some girl puppies.
Category Chase, Leidy, Puppies | Tags: | Comments Off on 26″ Around
October 5, 2010 by myeye
Category New Mexico Beauty, Pinto - Los Lunas | Tags: | 2 Comments