a October 10th, 2010

  1. HT Photos and Video

    October 10, 2010 by myeye

    A great deal of the arena was in shadow, so the video is not as easy to watch as it could have been.  Chase was pretty wild yesterday so spent lots of time gathering up the sheep that he had scattered.  Of course, he loves to rodeo — which just made him wilder. Nonetheless he was considered qualifying.

    And then the judge talked about him.  Listen to her accusing him of being part Border Collie.  At the end — oh, no! Don’t bend down. Oops! Too late. It’s face-cleaning time.

    The following stills are from today’s qualifying run. Chase never pressured the sheep so he never got to rodeo.  Poor Chase:-)  Note the lowered front in this first photo.

    Channeling the Inner Border Collie blog 10-10-2010

    Moving sheep HT leg2 blog 10-10-2010

    And, finally, a side trip for the tourist dog.  After all, he’s not been to Tennessee or Georgia before.

    Entrance to Ducktown Museum blog 10-10-10

    Comments from Chase’s autograph book will be posted tomorrow.  Cheryl wants to scan them at her office.

  2. Puppy Application

    October 10, 2010 by myeye

    On the right sidebar — under the link to Chase’s web site — is a puppy questionnaire.  If you are interested in owning a Chase/Leidy puppy (due October 19th and ready for homes the end of the first week in January), please complete and submit the questionnaire.  Even if we’ve talked, I would like to have a questionnaire to help me match people and puppies.

  3. Kids, Kites, and Cardis

    October 10, 2010 by myeye

    I knew there were several good reasons to buy a house on an acre of land.  Brock, Angela and Adrienne came over today to make the highest and best use of the property.

    Brock-Angela-Adrienne kite day 10-10-2010

    Adrienne-Are you ready to fly 10-10-2010

    Adrienne-Brock-Inca - ready 10-10-2010

    Adrienne - Butterfly Kite 10-10-2010

    Butterfly kite success 10-10-2010

    This will be the kite-in-residence so Adrienne has it available whenever she comes to stay with me.

  4. HT

    October 10, 2010 by myeye

    The herding tested dogs started at 9:30 Eastern time and Chase was the very first dog in the arena.  The weather was cool, the dog was up (oh, yah — when is this dog not up?).  Chase was so happy to see sheep again that he couldn’t hold his stops.  However, he didn’t pressure the sheep as much so none of them burst away and required covering.  He worked a little better today than he did yesterday.  At the end of his run, the judge said to Susan, “I want you to see how good this dog is.  Have him take the sheep from cone to cone.”  Susan declined.  She has a plan for Chase and it does not include giving him the opportunity to go wild during the HT.  I guess the judge was a little miffed.  However on the test sheet he wrote, “Very nice.  Good job!”  At the end of the trial, Susan will see if he wants to sign Chase’s autograph book.

    So, our boy now can wear HT after his name — a tribute to Susan’s patience, good sense, and mega-experience.  His performances yesterday and today piqued the interest of lots of the herders with other breeds.  Cardis can do it all — even though they have no legs!  And, at least in Chase’s case, they have a blast doing it.

    Photos, videos, and scans of the autograph book this evening . . .  Good dog, Chase!