A great deal of the arena was in shadow, so the video is not as easy to watch as it could have been. Chase was pretty wild yesterday so spent lots of time gathering up the sheep that he had scattered. Of course, he loves to rodeo — which just made him wilder. Nonetheless he was considered qualifying.
And then the judge talked about him. Listen to her accusing him of being part Border Collie. At the end — oh, no! Don’t bend down. Oops! Too late. It’s face-cleaning time.
The following stills are from today’s qualifying run. Chase never pressured the sheep so he never got to rodeo. Poor Chase:-) Note the lowered front in this first photo.
And, finally, a side trip for the tourist dog. After all, he’s not been to Tennessee or Georgia before.
Comments from Chase’s autograph book will be posted tomorrow. Cheryl wants to scan them at her office.