a October 20th, 2010

  1. Puppies . . . slowly

    October 20, 2010 by admin

    Posting from the puppy cam.
    Puppy #1 – Red girl, 6.5 ounces, 12:17 PM – Reba

    Puppy #2 – Brindle girl, 9.9 ounces, 4:07 PM – Smooch


    Puppy #3 Red boy –  6.5 ounces – 7:50 PM – Thunder


    Puppy #4 – Red boy, 8.6 oz – 8:35 PM – Udi


    Puppy #5 – Brindle boy, 10 oz – 9:50 PM – Victor


    Puppy #6 – Brindle boy, 8.4 oz – 12:30 AM – Walker

    . . . and photos from the real camera

    Leidy's First Baby - RebaLeidy’s First Baby — Little Reba

    Reba 10-20-10 12-17 PMSide shot of Reba

    Smooch 10-20-10 4-07PMSmooch

    Smooch and Reba Find Dinner 10-20-2010Smooch and Reba Find Dinner

    What Do You Mean -- MOREWhat do you mean?  More?

  2. Come on, Leidy & Away We Go

    October 20, 2010 by myeye

    No puppies yet!  I was up with the princess until 2:00 AM, then checked her each hour.  She is well rested and just ate a nice big breakfast.  On the other hand, my eyes are brushing my shoulders.  I think she likes having her own room and dog door and little yard.  She may not give up those babies.  Leidy, sweetie, it’s time!

    12:17 PM – a red girl at 6.5 ounces.  Big wide collar, pretty markings.  Leidy is taking great care of her.  The puppy is very strong even though she’s small.  Maybe “Reba”?  The warming box is ready, so we can have another one now.

    4:07 PM – a dark brindle girl with a kiss on top of her head.  9.9 oz., and I think her litter name is Smooch.  Leidy has to speed up or I may die of old age before this litter is whelped.

    7:10 PM – a red boy at 6.5 ozl not as much icing.  He is Thunder because he was born during an awful storm — thought I was going to lose my skylights.   Only three hours this time and Leidy ate 10 oz of liver before delivering him.

    8:35 PM – another red boy at 8.6 oz — a little more icing than Thunder.  His name is Udi.  Leidy is down to less than an hour and a half — whoo hoo!

    9:50 PM – brindle boy at 10 oz — he is Victor.  He reminds me so much of his dad.

    12:25 AM (10-21-2010) – brindle boy 8.4 oz. He is Walker.  One more for sure — could be two