Kids, Kites, and Cardis

October 10, 2010

I knew there were several good reasons to buy a house on an acre of land.  Brock, Angela and Adrienne came over today to make the highest and best use of the property.

Brock-Angela-Adrienne kite day 10-10-2010

Adrienne-Are you ready to fly 10-10-2010

Adrienne-Brock-Inca - ready 10-10-2010

Adrienne - Butterfly Kite 10-10-2010

Butterfly kite success 10-10-2010

This will be the kite-in-residence so Adrienne has it available whenever she comes to stay with me.


  1. C-Myste says:

    Cool kite and beautiful day! Blue skies . . .

  2. sandy says:

    pretty! Did you got 6 feet with your chainlink?