Leidy – No News & The Litter Theme

October 19, 2010

Leidy wants me to quit my day job and just watch her — I guess.  She gobbled up a big breakfast and is lying around asking me to stop staring at her.  She still wants to sprawl in the dirt outside, and, as a result, is filthy.  I need to give her a bath so her babies’ first meal is not grits.  Today is the 63rd day from ovulation based on the progesterone readings.  So — do I go to the office (45 minutes away) and check her on the puppy cam or do I sit and stare at her until she bites me for my rudeness?

Facing - Day 63 - after bathStill damp from the bath and very pregnant

Leidy - day 63 - after bathI took a dust bath — why this?

About the puppy cam:  It is up and running.  I can access it.  In the next day or so, it will be accessible to those of you that want to check in on the brood.  Use the email link on the sidebar and I will send you the user name and password — with this caveat.  Check in on the puppies and then PLEASE log out.  PLEASE do not minimize the picture — which leaves it live and running.  The puppy cam uses a tremendous amount of bandwidth.  If the link is left open for hours at a time, at some point, my ISP will become annoyed and shut me off.  I would be alone in the wilderness without internet access, and I would be unhappy.  You would not be able to watch the babies grow.

I’m looking forward to puppies — it certainly beats my day job.

Now, they are going to need names.  I have been hoping to use this theme and think we’ll have enough babies to make it worth while.  The theme is names of newspapers.  So, Times Picayune, Daily Planet, Wall Street Journal, Rocky Mountain News, Daily Mirror — etc.  I always appreciate suggestions (and if there is a call name the seems to fall out of the formal name, let me know that as well).  An example, Clark or Kent or Lois or Lane or Jimmy for Daily Planet.

NOTE:  Carolyn has put up the link for the puppycam.  It is on the side bar under the puppy owner application link.


  1. C-Myste says:

    Ah good: you moved the camera so it sees the box. Puppycam is working from here. I linked it on the sidebar under the application.

  2. Pqula Weller says:

    Queen City News is a small local paper in Helena, Montana. Call name could be Queenie??

  3. Jean from NM says:

    How about “Rags” for one of the puppies? The Valencia County New Bulletin — your new hometown newspaper — is jokingly referred to as “The Rag” in our household. Not that any Leidy-Chase puppy would be rag-like in any way but . . . 🙂

  4. Shelley says:

    Harold – as in the Dundalk Herald 🙂

    and can’t forget Conrad (Black) from the Toronto Star

  5. Alden says:

    Washington Post. Could be either Woodward or Bernstein.

    Watson can’t wait to see his half siblings.

  6. Alden says:

    Chicago Sun-Times. Siskel or Ebert.

    And my fave, Herb, for Herb Caen of the San Francisco Chronicle.

  7. Jeri says:

    Good luck Leidy and Penni!

  8. Alden says:

    I remember looking up Welsh newspaper names before Watson and Holmes were born. Here are a few:

    Aberaeron Today

    Chester Chronicle

    Chester Standard

    Chester Evening Leader (love this one. Chester’s a great call name)

    County Times (Welshpool)

    Evening Leader (Wrexham)

    Flintshire Standard

    HadOne (Swansea)

    Llangollen Courier (love this one,too)

    Llantwit Major Gem (my favorite!)

    North Wales Chronicle (Bangor)

    Penarth Times

    Pioneer (Denbighshire)

    South Wales Argus (Gwent)

    Whitehaven News