The Patio Fencing

October 1, 2010

I’ve mentioned Jesus (Hay-soos) and his guys who put up the chain link and the wooden privacy fence. They were going to have another man make the wrought iron fencing, but he was too slow and they thought his design was ugly. Jesus’ day job is building movie sets (and rounding up extras for the NM film industry). He knows how he wants things to look when finished. So, he and his workers decided to make my wrought iron fence. GREAT CALL! At least I think it is.

Wrought iron gate facing to NE 10-1-2010Wrought iron patio fencing looking northeast

Wrought iron - back of house facing east 1-1-2010Facing due east — the back of the house

Wrought iron-wood ne corner of yard 10-1-2010Northwest corner of the Patio area

The gate will be the lasered steel gate from my townhouse.  Jesus will be making a wrought iron gate (with steel screening) to replace it — after all, we don’t want Jennifer’s cats to get out!

So, to make a long post longer — I am absolutely thrilled with the fenced area.  It’s very hard for me to relinquish artistic control to a bunch of guys — but I have no regrets about this one!


  1. Janet says:

    I hope you enjoy your patio as much as we are enjoying our fenced in front yard. Dogs and Hooman spend time out there every evening.

  2. Jeri says:

    It looks wonderful. Enjoy!

  3. Wairs yor grass???

  4. Tony says:

    Jesus did a good job. I guess Joseph trained him well 🙂

  5. Tony says:

    How many guys were on his team? 12???

  6. Cheryl Kienast says:

    Wonderful fencing! Nothing is as attractive as a nice wrought iron fence. You are going to have so much fun on that patio with the new setup. That is GREAT!