All I Want To Do Is Play With You

November 21, 2010

Okay, Puppy Video Junkies:  this one’s for you.  As the puppies get steadier on their feet, they try more sophisticated moves — and don’t fall over as often.

When they are worn out, this stage follows:

All the comforts of home 11-21-2010I keep waking up with this crick in my neck

Victor and Reba Snoring 11-21-2010Puppy tummy

Out like lights 11-21-2010Out like lights


  1. Tony says:

    They are growing so quick Penni. They are cute playing. And even cuter when they are all tuckered out & asleep

  2. sandy says:

    Love the little bellies!

  3. Builder Mama says:

    Smooch is quite the little instigator! She cracks me up.