Can You See Me Now?

November 4, 2010

Only Reba has her eyes open.  This morning, Smooch has little slits so by tonight she should be showing some eye.  The boys — isn’t it just like boys — would rather motor around the whelping box bumping into life — not even slits for those two.  They are missing out on a lot of excitement.

I took these photos alone.  As you can imagine, it won’t be long until laying them on the kitchen island and running back to the camera will be impractical at best.  They already squirm around.  Cute little babies!  Enjoy!

Reba3 11-4-2010Good morning, Reba

Smooch5 11-4-2010Come on, Smooch — open those eyes

Udi1 11-4-2010Udi – always looking very cute

Victor1 11-4-2010Last and Very Far From Least – Victor


  1. Jean from NM says:

    No matter what’s going on anywhere else in my life, these babies always make me smile. Thanks, Penni!

  2. C-Myste says:

    I’m with Jean. Ahhh, virtual puppy breath. Give them kisses and tell them that they are from me.

  3. Looooooooooove Udi’s little hind paw, just peeping out…….


  4. Sharrie Brockhaus says:

    It is like they are controlling it and aren’t sure if they should bother to take a look at the “wide, wide, world”. And to think they will soon be zooming all over the place.

  5. Taryn says:

    Lucky you, Penni, to be surrounded by such cuteness! I love seeing your photos!

  6. Kathy M. says:

    Rampant cuteness!

  7. Ariel says:

    She is SUCH a darling. Look at me, looking coyly at you!

  8. sandy says:

    Awwww….NOW they are dogs!

  9. Jean -MINN says:

    OH SO cute now the work begins

  10. Carol Teal says:

    Oh My doG, they are cute! I want them all!

  11. Awwwww… Hay yoo litool babys ar just such kyootsy wootsys. I wish yoo kood kum & play wiv me