First Trip Outside – A Family Tradition (Video)

November 27, 2010

It was this weekend three years ago that Chase and his siblings made their initial foray into the great out of doors.  Tom/Carolyn caught the snapshot of little Chase at the fence meeting his older brother, and I was hooked.  I sent Carolyn an email asking her to put a sticky note on that puppy (he was called Ikey) that said “PENNI’S PUPPY”.  So that was all there was to it.  Ikey became Chase and has been my boy since I flew to Oregon to fetch him when he was 11-1/2 weeks old.

The Chase/Leidy puppies, following the tradition, made their first trip to the great outside world this afternoon.  The temperature is in the mid-fifties with lots of sunshine and a slight breeze.  The babies took the trip in stride.  It will become a regular event.  The puppy room has a dog door that opens into a covered pen.  As soon as the baybeez are a little steadier on leg, they will have unlimited access to their yard.  I hope you enjoy their adventure in two parts.

Wow! Look how big it is!

Look at all the stuff we can chew on!


  1. Jean from NM says:

    What brave little puppies! Oh, just look at what they can chew on!

  2. Sharrie Brockhaus says:

    They are wonderful. What beauties!

  3. Builder Mama says:

    Big space! Chewy stuff! I bet it was their Best Day Ever…so far!