Our very handsome, but not too knowledgeable, meteorologist said it would be bitterly cold today, but that we had little chance of precipitation. I heard him with my own two ears. However, when I went in to say good morning to the babies and Leidy, Leidy bounded up soaking wet. Hmmm — a sign! I could have stuck my head out the dog door, but it’s only 5:30 AM, and I have limits to the directions in which my curiosity might lead me. So I went into the family room and slid open the door. Oh, very pretty! Those of you struggling through drifts whose holiday plans were thwarted by Mother Nature please forgive me. Snow and rain are very rare here so I must rejoice and enjoy.
Clear and *cold* here this morning. I don’t even mind the cold when it’s sunny like it is today.
It won’t last.
Oh it’s snow. When I looked at the 1st photo I thought it was a beautiful clear night sky full of stars shining brightly