As you probably all recall (because I wouldn’t let you forget), Chase was bred to the beautiful Scout (GCH Cardiridge Jean Louise Finch HT RN). We thought puppies were due around December 17th. However, the past few days, Scout has been unable to lie down comfortably or to keep food down. At 4:30 this morning Janet took her to the Emergency Vet and they ran tests — discovered her calcium levels were far too low. At 8:00 Janet took her to her regular vet who immediately did a C-Section.
Scout is very tired, but is coming around. Her milk is in and she is nursing the puppies and responding to people. There are 5 girls and 3 boys. 2 red girls, 3 brindle girls, 1 red boy, 2 brindle boys (HURRAY for brindle girls!) The puppies were extremely active and started sucking on fingers right away. The vet told Janet when he made the incision for the C-Section, one of the puppies jumped at him. THAT would be my puppy if we knew which one it was.
Janet is still deciding what her theme will be — she has to go home to set up the nursery because she hadn’t expected the babies quite yet. Perhaps she can catch a nap as well.
Chase is handing out cigars. This is his third litter in a row of 8 puppies — interesting isn’t it?
Watch Janet’s blog for photos!
Other good news from the weekend!
Holmes’ preliminary hip x-rays came back from OFA rated Fair — and we will definitely take that for a prelim.
Chase received the following in the mail: