I still love this puppy. He’s now 15 months old — still suffering from the fuglies, but the promise is there. And he’s funny and sweet, loves the puppies, loves to come to the office.
December 21, 2010
I still love this puppy. He’s now 15 months old — still suffering from the fuglies, but the promise is there. And he’s funny and sweet, loves the puppies, loves to come to the office.
Category Baddog, Holmes | Tags:
I love Holmes – his personality really comes through on the videos with the puppies, he’s kind of like the gangly preteen that is still a kid at heart. I want to kiss the freckles on his nose! (Rufus sez my mom loves kissing noses.)
Gotta love the gangly teenagers. Watch out though, because they fill out quick once they decide to. One day you’ll be lamenting the string bean in your house and then next day you’ll see a studly, masculine man LOL. Well ok Nash isn’t studly yet, but he sure did go from bag-over-the-head to hey-not-half-bad pretty quickly. 🙂
Oh Yes!! Then, it will be who’s the top dog when there is more than one intact male and the fun really begins. Nothing or no one is safe or sacred as the hormones rule. I’ll wager when he’s about 18 months plus, he’ll be the one to watch!!!!! Best Wishes to all the Elyan clan from Central Coast CA.