I Can’t Get Any Work Done

December 1, 2010

The puppies need me to keep them company — don’t you think?

6 weeks old (always in blur mode)

Smooch always ready for a pick-me-up

Victor and Udi


  1. Jean from NM says:

    Yes! You need to stay home and keep those puppies company! Put all your work on hold! File for delays for all your cases! Get down on the floor with those babeez and HAVE FUN!

    PS Let me know if you need help. 🙂

  2. nw says:

    I wouldn’t be able to gotowork and leave those sweet faces! Um, it looks like a jail break is eminent! That Reba is TOOO cute for words.

  3. Tony says:

    Such sweeties. I wouldn’t put them down. I rmember how much we cuddled & carried Dixie when she was a wee pup. It’s a wonder she remembered how to walk.

  4. Cheryl says:

    Smoochie wants a BIG FAT SMOOCH!

    Also, I just took a peek at the puppy cam–gonna have to think harder on puppy proofing the water! Saw Reba chewing happily on the bungee cord which apparently was used to “hold” the water jug in place–which was rolling around in the pen!